The National Union of Community Forestry Development Committee (NUCFDC) is made up of 23 CFDC groups within 11 of the 15 Counties of Liberia. There are about 500 affected communities and villages.

The 2006 National Forestry Reform Law and the 2007 FDA 10 Code Regulations provide for the establishment of a Community Forestry Development Committee whose stands between affected communities, Companies, the Government of Liberia, National and International Partners for Advocacy, Coordination, monitoring logging activities, and managing benefits that are due to forestry affected communities under government concessions. The Land Rights Act of 2018 had given the rights to communities to own customary land of which we are now focusing, for these communities we represent, can own their customary land titles.
The CFDCs established the NUCFDCs in 2009 to serve as the National Umbrella Organization for these 23 CFDCs in defense of issues affecting forest-dependent communities adequately addressed and their rights under these laws are protected and empowered to defend these rights. The NUCFDC is a fully registered National Institution under Liberian laws with an office in the NGO Coalition Building in Duazohn Village, Margibi County.